
Friday, March 19, 2010

The Friday 56, Part the Third

The Friday 56

* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of this blog.
*Post a link along with your post back to this blog.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

I found this via Shiloh Walker's blog. She found it at The Bookaholic Zone, who found it at Storytime With Tonya & Friends, which - as far as I can tell - seems to be the originator.

Among the piles of books around me, I'm trying to figure out what I can reach without making other books fall.... Still looking... Okay, found one! And nothing fell. Yay me!

Today's selection comes from The Stirring by Robert Moeller. I received this book as a Christmas present 3-4 years ago, but haven't actually read it yet.

"Dr. Ray, can you come?" He hated to pressure his old friend, but Steven felt he had no choice.

I included the sixth sentence as well to give some reference to what's going on in the scene.

Unfortunately, this small quote stirs no interest in me. I will eventually read this book, but it's not jumping up and down screaming for my attention. So it will be a while before I do read it.

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